Exploring another river, expect shipping delays.
– Sold OutDuring my life time we have lost American Ash and Elm to invasive species. I build these nets to remember and reflect on how much the forest of our country has changed over so little time.
American Chestnut trees were the giants of the primeval forest in North America when first settled. Under these trees the ground was so shaded that man and animal could pass freely. This forest was lost to a fungus invading from Asia in the 1890's. From the barns and houses of the 1800's and early 1900's, boards of this wood are recovered for re-use. In addition a young tree will push up from the roots left in place, only to be killed by the same disease. This lumber is part of the American soil and heritage.
I recall the American Elms as they canopied over the streets of my childhood. Those trees were lost to another invasive beetle and fungus. This lumber is from the trees that were lost on the farm of my youth.
Now the the American Ash trees are gone to another invasive species.
The style of this landing net may vary but the wood selection remains the same. This wood selection is available in a variety of handle and hoop shapes. All nets feature a soft nylon catch and release bag or may be fitted with a ghost bag, as a custom option. The nets are finished with a unique epoxy finish. All nets are signed and numbered.
Priced starting $260.